Women's Bible Study 

The Women's Bible Study meets hybrid (both online & in-person at church) Wednesdays at 10 am, with fellowship starting at 9.30.  See Weekly Connect or contact the church office for connection information.

Women of all ages are invited to join us as we dig deeper into God’s Word and discover how to better relate it to our daily lives.

Current topic: Meant for Good

Joseph’s story in Genesis is well known by many. He’s the man with the many-colored coat and numerous siblings. A man who faced slavery, imprisonment, and a cruel Pharaoh while standing confidently in his faith through numerous trials and difficulties.

A man who waited, patiently, for God to use him for good.

Starting May 22nd: Our Hope & Future

Based on Jeremiah 29:11–12, presents the question: are you concerned about the future? This study helps us gain insight by replacing the worries of the world with God's truth and reassurance. Discover God's plans for a life of hope, faith, and support in Him. 


Starting June 19: Perseverence

Through this eight-lesson journey, walk with Nehemiah as God gives him the strength to persevere past seemingly insurmountable obstacles into His redeeming grace.
