Sign up, serve, and participate

There are many ways to serve the Lord and participate at St. Paul's! Look below to see how you can get involved! Contact the church office if you'd like more information on any of these opportunities.

The information provided on SignUpGenius forms is available to anyone who finds this page. To protect your privacy we recommend that you not give your full name when you sign up...just 'John D'...

Lectors read one or more pieces of Scripture from either pre-printed materials or the screens in the back of the church. Lectors read in the front of church with a microphone.

Sign up to be a lector.

Intercessors offer prayers of the church using either pre-printed materials or the screens in church. Intercessors read the prayers from the front of church or their seats with a microphone.

Sign up to be an intercessor.

Ushers are the first people that our guests will meet in person at St. Paul's. They serve as an ambassador to the Lord and St. Paul's, and as a guide to what may be an unfamiliar experience.

Sign up to be an usher.

Consider honoring your loved ones with altar flowers! Once you've signed up, call your favorite florist to have flowers delivered or bring flowers in yourself on the weekend you signed up for.

Sign up to provide altar flowers.

Join a dedicated group of more than 50 members of St. Paul's family dedicated to praying for needs as they arise. Prayer requests are emailed throughout the week. Join us in prayer!

Join the email prayer chain.

Envelopes to give tithes and offerings at church are available upon request. If you would like envelopes please fill out the form at the link below or call the church office. Thanks for your generosity!

Request offering envelopes.

The Worship Music Team is expanding! Do you have musical talents that could be put to use in worshipping our Lord? Consider joining us! We rehearse on Tuesdays at 7 PM and then lead the music during worship on Sunday mornings.

Join the team.

At St. Paul's there are many ways you can serve during our weekly worship services. You can read scriptures and prayers, usher, support our livestream, and more. Training is available. Fill out the form to let us know you're interested.

I'd like to serve in worship.

Sunday school classes for kids and teens will begin September 17 after worship. Please let us know your child(ren) plan to attend by filling out the form below.

Register your kid(s) for Sunday School.
